My best friend needed me so out to North Carolina I went. I needed this trip too. Needed to get away.
So Baby and I packed up and boarded a plane for NC!

She did well. Really well.

From Hour 3 to Hour 5, we had a layover in Houston and planned on meeting some friends while there. But I couldn't figure out how to get out of the secured area of the terminal and had no idea where they were and I finally realized that I was in the wrong area for my next flight and once I took the train to the right terminal (yes, I took the train... through the airport... well more like monorail... but lets not get hung up on the details there) it was easy to find them! I was so happy to see them and they were so happy to see Baby! They moved out of my state in January, like a week before Baby was born.

Then we got on our scary little puddle jumper plane to get to North Carolina.

At hour 8 and some random number of minutes, we landed and rand and squealed and jumped in the loving arms of Wonder Mom and Wonder Dad. Really. We squealed. Okay, I did. I was squealing so loud I wouldn't know if anyone else was.

Around hour 9 we made it to a place called Cook Out where I had to choose from a million different preparations for my burger and a gazillionty different kinds of milk shakes. We need Cook Outs here in Cali. Wonder Mom had half a banana in her shake!
Somewhere near hour 11 I finally crashed in a bed. I tried so hard to wake up the next morning, but the time difference was killer and I didn't wake up til hour 18.
At hour 20ish, my Dad came and picked up Baby and me and we took a scenic tour of NC. And ended up in South Carolina! And promptly came back to NC. I wish I had taken my real camera. I would have loved to get pictures of the trees and buildings and animals and tractor crossing signs. And the guy driving his ride-on mower down the street.
Baby started getting hungry and we were all in need of lunch, so we went to Cracker Barrel! I was quite excited about this. I had heard a lot about Cracker Barrel but we don't have any out here.

My Dad and I both had the Chicken and Dumplins. Spell check is going crazy trying to put a G in that word. No, they're not "dumplings". They're "dumplins".

After lunch we headed back to Wonder Mom's. She needed a new outfit so we ran to the local mall. I found Bass Pro Shop. Daddy Bear doesn't think I went in. He'll never know for sure though!

Then we had dinner at Bob Evans. Good food. Better service. Overall, a nice, casual family meal. And they included me! I think it's mostly because I brought Baby.

Sometime close to hour 34, we were back at Wonder Mom's beautiful house and getting ready for the next day. Saturday was long but beautiful, but more on that later. Now, I must recover my normal sleep cycle.
shes so adorable. what a joy:)
ReplyDeleteI think the pictures came out great. The contrast seems to be a little off in some of the pictures - but that's pretty common when you take pictures inside. Lights inside usually throw off a yellow color which can interfere with the lighting in a picture (even with a flash). The first picture is really great - what a perfect smile.
ReplyDeleteI MISS cracker barrel. It's been like 8 years since I have eaten at one. It's too bad there are none here in CA :(.
The food looks sooooooooooo good in your picture.
You should have taken pictures of all the rocking chairs on the front porch!! hehehehe
Now I wanna go back home to Tennessee... lol.